Two years into the conflict, humanitarian needs continue to be acute. To date, the conflict resulted in 31,000 casualties, including 9,400 fatalities. Some 3.1 million Ukrainians need humanitarian assistance. People living close to the ‘contact line’ and in areas beyond Government control are in acute need. They face violence, fighting and a real struggle to access basic services and goods.
The ‘contact line’ is becoming a de facto border. Limitation in freedom of movement; splitting of companies providing essential supplies across the contact line (e.g. water, electricity, gas etc.); commercial restrictions create additional, undue hardship. Discontinuation of social payments, banking systems, trade in areas beyond Government control has a disproportionate effect on civilians living there.
The HRP appeals for $298 million and, by early June, contributions amount only to 17 per cent. While some contributions are yet to be recorded, critical funding shortages will force organizations to halt some activities already in June (health) and August (food) 2016, unless additional funding become immediately available. Not all agencies and donors are reporting on funding and this is affecting strategic decisions making, prioritization and advocacy. The need for timely recovery interventions, on all sides of the contact line is also critical. Unless these interventions quickly kick in, more people will require humanitarian assistance in the months and years to come.