Restrictions to freedom of movement and limited access to markets and basic services for Ukrainian citizens residing in NGCA and along the 'contact line' remain major humanitarian concerns.
Since the beginning of 2016, more than 3 million people crossed through five checkpoints, facing the immediate threat of ongoing violence and UXO and landmine contamination. Limited or no access to drinking water, sanitary facilities and health care at checkpoints increase the vulnerability of conflict affected people.
The capacity of the operating checkpoints is insufficient. An average of half a million of people crossing occurs every month (725,000 in May).
Closure of checkpoints, even if temporary, leads to massive overflow at the remaining checkpoints.
The situation is particularly difficult for people residing in Luhanska oblast, since the pedestrian checkpoint in Stanytsia Luhanska is the only operating crossing in the area. When it closed for three weeks in April due to increased fighting in the area, people were forced to make dangerous and arduous detours or to illegally cross from NGCA to GCA of Luhanska oblast through the largely unequipped international border crossing of Milove where humanitarian presence is very reduced.